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High School Sports

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Student Athletics

The administration and coaching staff of White House Heritage consider interscholastic athletics a vital part of the total educational process. The school’s philosophy is to provide all students with an environment that is safe and encourages active participation in a variety of activities.

Competition in athletics means more than competition between two individuals or teams representing different schools. It teaches fair play and sportsmanship, an understanding and appreciation of teamwork and work ethic. Athletes must remember they are representatives of WHH, our community and team wherever they may be. Our student athletes must make a consistent effort to project a positive, respectful image and should be considerate of others and not allow them self to be involved in or associated with situations that may disgrace the school, community, or team.
Goals of the Athletic Program
  • Create and maintain expectations of academic excellence.
  • Develop a commitment to the growth and maturation of character and integrity.
  • Create an environment where students correct inappropriate behaviors in a timely and respectful manner.
  • Help develop individuals that are positive role models for our younger students.
  • Build a belief in the giving of our talents and abilities for the good of others.
  •  Help lay the foundation that hard work, disciplined behavior and high standards lead to success in all areas of life.
  • Demonstrate loyalty to family, country, school, and team.
Athletic teams at White House Heritage abide by the bylaws of the TSSAA.

Requirements for Student-Athlete Participation

As a student-athlete, you are not eligible to participate in any sport until the following is completed:
1. Pre-participation form online at Dragonfly Max
2. Physical Examination Form
3. Emergency Medical Authorization Form
4. Authorization and Consent Form
5. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form
6. Concussion Form
7. All resident eligibility requirements satisfied.
8. All academic eligibility requirements satisfied.

Physical Examinations are valid from one year starting April 15 of the current school year.

Student Athlete Conduct

Any student athlete that posts something negative on social media, is ejected from a game, receives a card, receives ISS or OSS, or basically does anything that is unbecoming of a Heritage student athlete will be subject to the following:

A. First infraction -Student-athlete will meet with the coach and Ms. Hass. Discipline to be determined by the coach.
B. Second infraction – Student-athlete will meet with the coach, parents, and Ms. Hass. Discipline to be determined by Ms. Hass.
C. Third Infraction – Student-athlete will be dismissed from the team.
Administration, faculty and staff at White House Heritage hold student-athletes to a higher standard because they put the “H” on their uniforms and represent our school and community.