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WHHHS Student Handbooks

The purpose of this handbook is to provide information to help you be successful this school year.
As with any large organization of people, a system of rules, regulations, policies, programs, and
services have been established to provide a positive and productive culture in our school. Both
students and parents are urged to become familiar with the contents of the Student Handbook. We
believe students at White House Heritage School model common sense, cooperation, leadership, and
high standards of personal behavior.

While the handbook clearly outlines our expectations for you based on these beliefs, real success by
students can only be achieved through a willingness to live up to these expectations. As in real life,
the actions you choose to take will result in direct consequences. We stand committed in helping all
students live up to their responsibility to our school community. We, as faculty and staff members of
White House Heritage School, extend a warm welcome and anticipate another great school year!

Student Handbook Download